The Truman Show vs Amélie

The Truman Show
Most Popular
Results on the web 47,100,000 95,100,000
Awards 40 59
IMDB Score 8.2 8.3
Film Affinity Score 7.7 7.8
The Movie DB Score %81 %79
Rotten Tomatoes %95 %89
Duration 1 hour 43 minute 2 hour 2 minute
Release Date June 1998 April 2001

Jim Carrey and The Truman Show

The Truman Show is a classic comedy set on a huge television set where the titular character, Truman Burbank, lives his life on a show. His life is staged by executive producer Christof, who tries to manipulate Truman’s mind and replace his true love with Meryl. Truman is torn between acting on the truth and acting on his desire for the real love of his life. The film is an enduring classic.

Jim Carrey

Performing as the central character of the 1998 comedy-drama, The Truman Show, Jim Carrey has established himself as one of the most talented actors in Hollywood. The film tells the story of Truman Burbank, a man who is both a victim of abuse and a hero to his friends. But how can he do this? What do the audience and the cast expect from Jim Carrey?

Ed Harris

While most of us have only seen Ed Harris’s work on Westworld, we may not have known that he also starred in The Truman Show. Harris has earned a deserved reputation as a compelling and underrated actor, thanks to his performance as the hapless Truman. In The Truman Show, Harris played a television producer who prefers the manufactured world to the real one. Christof, who is also the man behind the Man in Black television series, has a similar obsession with man-made worlds and being in control of them. Despite being in control of the world, he disguises this exploitation as entertainment.

Carrey Weir

In the drama “The Truman Show,” Carrey Weir portrays television executive Truman Burbank, who lives his life on a vast television set. The executive producer, Christof, orchestrates the life of Truman on the show and tries to control his mind. When his true love, Meryl, is replaced by a character played by Carrey Weir, Truman must decide if he should live up to the lie that is written onto the screen or not.


Marlon is a long-time friend of Truman and has been with him since he was a child. Truman is unable to remember much of his past, but Marlon is able to share his experiences from life outside of Seahaven. Luckily, Truman’s mother is there to switch the conversation to positive memories of his past. The two of them grow to become close and begin a romantic relationship.


The final scene of Christof’s portrayal of Truman is reminiscent of the garden of Eden, when Lucifer appears to the king. As Truman enters this fake town, he is thrown into a psychologically distorted reality. Christof’s ego-tripping attempts to rewire his mind are brilliant, but his inability to understand the real world leads to the dreaded “resistance.”

Amelie’s Thomas Strong Amélie

The success of Amelie is unprecedented, especially in the United States. It opened in November 2001, the same month that 9/11 took place, and was the third-highest grossing foreign-language film of 2001. Its unprecedented success can be partly attributed to the traumatic events that were witnessed in Paris and New York. Despite its relatively low budget of $10 million, Amelie managed to earn $174.2 million worldwide, making it the third highest-grossing foreign-language film of all time.

Thomas Strong Amlie

Thomas Strong Amlie was a native of Elkhorn, Wis., and graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison with a doctorate in electrical engineering in 1952. He was a member of the Navy V-12 officer training program during World War II and married June Townsend in 1956. He and June Townsend had two children. June died in a plane crash in Georgia in 1991, along with 21 other passengers, including former senator John G. Tower.

Audrey Tautou

The French actress Audrey Tautou is a rising star in Hollywood. Born Audrey Justine Tautou in 1976, she began her career in television before moving onto the big screen in the 2004 film Venus Beauty Institute. The film was critically acclaimed and garnered Tautou the César Award for Most Promising Actress. Here are some things to know about Tautou. Let’s start with her early days in the movie business.

Ray Dufayel

Amelie Poulain is a shy waitress who finds a box of forty-year-old toys in her bathroom. Determined to find the owner, she tracks him down and becomes a new person. She befriends a lonely artist named Raymond Dufayel, who’s been a recluse in a padded apartment for years. In turn, he becomes a friend of Amelie’s and helps her find love.
Raymond Dufayel’s brittle bones

In the movie “Amelie”, Serge Merlin plays the artist Raymond Dufayel. Dufayel suffers from brittle bones. He re-paints Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party every year. In fact, he has copied it twenty times. Still, he has never managed to recreate the painting’s exact look. Even though he has been re-painting the painting for twenty years, his brittle bones haven’t changed.


The film begins with the title character, Nino, sitting in front of the television. She is trying to give some change to a beggar at the Paris train station, but the beggar doesn’t work on Sundays. As she plays cat-and-mouse with Nino, Amelie begins to notice the twitchy eye of her mother. She is about to leave Notre Dame de Paris when she is struck by a suicide tourist. Amelie, not wanting to be the cause of the incident, starts to collect footprints and funny laughs.

Sacre-Coeur Basilica

Sacred Heart of Paris: If you are visiting Paris, then make sure you visit the Sacré-Cur Basilica. This Parisian cathedral is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Visiting it is an unforgettable experience that is sure to change your life. The stunning architecture and magnificent interiors are sure to make your journey more enjoyable. Moreover, you can visit the cathedral’s chapel and the renowned Sacré-Cur Basilica to get a glimpse of this beautiful church’s beauty.

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