The Gentlemen vs Knives Out

The Gentlemen
Most Popular
Knives Out
Results on the web 204,000,000 271,000,000
Rotten Tomatoes %75 %97
Awards 1 52
The Movie DB Score %77 %79
Film Affinity Score 7.2 7.2
IMDB Score 7.8 7.9
Release Date January 24, 2020 November 27, 2019
Duration 1 hour 53 minute 2 hour 11 minute

Should I Watch Knives Out Or The Gentelmen?

After the viral success of the first movie, fans flocked to the sequel, “Knives Out,” to compare it to the original. The movie’s idiosyncratic character, detective Benoit Blanc, is played by Daniel Craig. His quirky, cynical personality makes him a compelling lead. The sequel is set in the Mediterranean, and part of it was shot in Greece.

One redditor compared Knives Out and The Gentelmen to Murder On The Orient Express, and noted how the two share some similarities. Both are complex whodunits with quirky characters and unpredictable plot twists. Both utilize warm lighting to give the characters a cozy feel, but jarringly upsets the balance. However, there are a few key differences that set each movie apart.

“Knives Out” stars Daniel Craig, as the titular character. But he is not the only lead. The Gentelmen also features the presence of a woman who plays Plummer’s friend, Ana de Armas. Ana de Armas would go on to star in “No Time to Die” alongside Daniel Craig. This is another reason why it is so important to choose the right movie to watch.

Rian Johnson took the genre of the murder-mystery and reinterpreted it for a modern audience. It riffs on many of the cliches associated with Agatha Christie, which makes it a worthy replacement. However, the film has limited screen time and does not make a strong case for either one. This is one movie to watch with a friend or family member.

For fans of British television, there are plenty of other good shows that can be enjoyed on the small screen. For example, Murder By Death and Enola Holmes have a similar blend of mystery and comedy, which lead to a brilliant plot twist. Both feature clever comedic dialogue. And if you can’t make a decision between them, both are worth checking out. And if you’re on Amazon Prime, it’s available for Canadians and Australians.

Another good choice for a thriller is Game Night. It has many plot twists and has an intricate storyline that left many fans wanting more. Similarly, “Game Night” has a unique style and interesting characters, and is a fun choice for mystery movie fans. It puts real people at the center of a spy operation. With a high level of fun, Game Night is one of the best movies of 2018.

While you’re considering the genre of murder mystery, make sure to take into consideration the type of movie you want to see. Knives Out features the use of a closed room to compel the audience to guess who did it. “Gosford Park” is one such movie. The film stars a huge cast, including two well-known actors in crucial roles. So, what are you waiting for?

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