Netflix Stranger Things vs Dark

Stranger Thing vs Dark


Stranger Things
Most Popular
Results on the web 776,000,000 3,810,000,000
Rotten Tomatoes %93 %95
Release Dates 2016-ongoing 2017-2020
Awards 76 8
The Movie DB Score %86 %84
IMDB Score 8.7 8.8
Film Affinity Score 7.9 7.6
Season 3 3
Episodes 26 34

Stranger Things is about drama, horror and fantasy. Dark is about mystery, drama and crime.

For the people who like drama, horror and fantasy, this show is perfect. The actors and actresses are all very well-known and do an excellent job of portraying their characters. It has the feeling of a movie to it. All in all, I would recommend this show to anyone who likes those genres.Stranger Things is a drama, horror and fantasy series. It’s about a family getting involved in government experiments and supernatural forces. The series is constructed in such a way that every episode leaves you with the feeling of suspense and an intense want for more. You’ll be on the edge of your seat as you watch this show and it will leave you wanting more and more! Dark is a show I can’t get enough of. I started watching it with my mom and the two of us have been hooked since. It’s about these three kids who are trying to solve some weird mystery that may or may not be related to their friend’s death. They are really smart and clever kids, but at the same time, they’re also flawed individuals.

Stranger Things creators are Ross Duffor and Matt Duffor.
Ross Duffor and Matt Duffor are the creators of Stranger Things. They are brothers who have been working together to create stories for over thirty years. They have created the Emmy-winning, popular series Stranger Things.

These two men create their stories by taking inspiration from their childhoods. Ross recalls, “My brother and I used to spend a lot of time around my dad’s video camera making movies. We thought it would be cool if we could make something that would have that same feel but be modern looking, too.”

Ross and Matt also want people to see themselves in these characters because they were both outsiders at school because they liked different things than the other kids.

Dark creators are Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese.
Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese are the creators of Dark, a successful German thriller series. They initially wanted to make a series about four friends who find out their parents were part of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and subsequently get caught up in it themselves. But after conducting research they discovered that such a plot wasn’t plausible enough. And so they changed the story to be about two boys who go missing and their sister, who has to find them.

The Dark creators believe that TV is an interactive medium where people want to be involved in the production process and not just take passive consumption for granted. The producers and directors work closely with their audience by taking feedback on social media and making changes accordingly. This bond between producers and audiences makes the show all the more.

Seems like Dark is more popular than Stranger Things.

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