Fringe vs Lost


Most Popular
IMDB Score 8.4 8.3
Results on the web 177,000,000 1,570,000,000
Rotten Tomatoes %90 %85
The Movie DB Score %81 %79
Film Affinity Score 7.4 7.9
Awards 18 113
Season 5 6
Episodes 100 119
Release Dates 2008-2013 2004-2010

Fringe is about Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy and Drama. Lost is about Action & Adventure, Mystery.
Fringe creators are J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. Lost creators are J.J. Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber and Damon Lindelof.
The creator of Fringe and Lost is the same person : J.J. Abrams.
Seems like Lost is more popular than Fringe.

If you want to watch a tv series that get better as they progress you should choose Fringe. And if you want to watch tv series with a great beginning which eventually decline you must choose Lost!

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